4 Dec 2013

Endings, Initiations, Synchronicity

4th December 2013

Our New Moon is passing through Saggitarius; we are being guided through a time of deep reflection on the year’s events. Most of us have been feeling as if our lives have been tipped over, the pieces laying across our floors for the world to see. Bare. Raw. Frightened.

Yet in this there is a strong sense of bravery, an unveiling, and a step out of our old skin and into the new. All of our ancient drama is being cursed out of us by the stars, the planets and the paths we are choosing as we move forward. This is leaving space for us to ­see Earth. We are being guided to listen, to observe and then to take action accordingly.

What have you felt pulled towards lately? What keeps on ‘popping up’? 

Be aware of these synchronous occurrences and see what unfolds as a result of following up on them .i.e.: like some kind of magickal metaphysical & existential treasure hunt.  

For instance, the song ‘Scarborough Fair’ has been cropping up for over a week now, first I mistakenly thought a friends  ‘Greensleeves' accordion jig was the song; my mom advertised for the legitimate Scarborough Fair on facecrack; my cousin was singing the song when we went to dinner at his home (courtesy of Ethical Co Op and nuts from Komati )  and the crème de la crème; I went to a ‘Pretoria’ themed party at a friend’s house last night and lo-and-behold, I glanced at the music stand to see the very song, ‘Scarborough Fair’ peeping out over a dog-eared page. The words, '...parsely, sage, rosemary and thyme...' ridiculously indicative of my current foray in plant magick/ herbalism & permaculture

Frivolous synchronicity aside, this has not been an easy year for our Earth. The natural disasters, the social revolutions, the corrupt governmental systems bubbling their cauldrons and of course all of our personal traumas, challenges and massive changes. 2013 has certainly taken all of us for a ride.

But sigh not! Take a deep breath. You’ve made it!  You’ve persevered through all the tests and challenges that Universe threw at you; you have grown, you have learnt, you have lived. Congratulate yourself, cry, laugh, stare in disbelief at these words; we are all at different points in this journey but I’m positive that in some way you’ve felt the bizarre magnitude of this year hovering over and around you.

This weekend I am attending the cosmic union (wedding) of two dear friends and it seems to signify the end of a cycle. What is marking the end of your current life cycle/pattern? For my soul family and I it marks a unique, powerful and sacred time in our lives, as our beloved friends step into a life shared in vision and in love. The remarkable couple have endeavoured to include us in every step of their process, to making pinch pots for candles and allowing the musicians amongst us to create an atmosphere for the day. It is a profound feeling to be a community witnessing the union of our friends, they are not separate entities, they are a part of us and we of them, and together we will celebrate and sanctify their step into a new part of life. (stay tuned for a reflection on our unconventional bachelorette party and a vegetarian thanksgiving!) 

Not only are our dear friends ‘stepping up’ a rung in the ladder, but many of us have undergone intense changes in our lives. People have reached the end of their academic careers (postgraduates), fertility is in abundance as the women amongst us are blessed with pregnancy, people are moving away from the city in which we have made our family, long term love relationships and friendships have parted and new friendships and new connections are forming.

It is a time for sowing the seeds of your passion friends. Heed those repetitive symbols, people, emotions and embrace the truest part of yourself as you move forward into this life, giving yourself, your loved ones, fellow human-spirits and the earth the most sacred love that you can.

In abundance, light and joy


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